About Risk Management for Jira

About Risk Management for Jira

by  jPlugs

What it does

Risk Management for Jira helps your track, monitor and communicate your project risks.

How it works

The Add On risk definition:

A Risk is the combination of the probability of a potential event and the consequence of the event.

The Add On identifies a Jira Issue as a risk by calculating the Risk Number (Risk Index) as the product of the probability (likelihood) of a potential event and the consequence (impact) of that event.

In a strictly formula the approach will be expressed as:

Risk Index = Risk Consequence x Risk Probability

Risk Index will express a number that combines the probability (or chance if it is a positive event) of a potential event will actually happen and what damage (or benefits) the event will cause.

Read more at Wikipedia

How it connects to Jira

Only the value of the Risk Index is automatically calculated by the Add On. It is up to the Jira user to maintain the values of Risk Consequence and Risk Probability.

These values are stored in custom fields.

Setting the value of the Risk Consequence and Risk Probability is how the Jira user marks an Issue as a risk. Per default the Add On uses values from 1 - 5 to score the probability and consequence. You can change this at Risk Matrix

The Risk terms and Jira metaphors are explained below.

Risk TermJira term
A Jira issue is used to descibe the event.
Risk IndexRiskManagementCalculatedNumberField
An Add On specific custom field.
Risk ProbabilityA Custom Field of type Select List
This is a Jira standard Custom Field.
Risk ConsequenceA Custom Field of type Select List
This is a Jira standard Custom Field.

The three custom fields must be added manually by you.

You can read more at the configuration pages once the add-on is installed in your JIRA instance.

How Risk Issues are presented

A custom field will display the Risk Index for a single Issue. It can be displayed on Issue Screens and in the Issue Navigator

Risk Issues are presendt in gadgets, project tabs and as reports

A classic risk presentation looks something like:

You can easily change the colors from the add-on configuration pages and with a little developer skills also the layout.

The Add On uses Velocity Apache templates to render the content. New templates cen be added and existing modified.

Terms and Definitions

There are different approaches to Risk Management, hence different terms and definitions are in use.

You can name the fields according to your methods, and labels can be modified as well.

Add On termOther terms
Risk ConsequenceRisk Impact
Magnitude or severity are really not the same as Impact but is also used
Risk ProbabalityRisk Likelihood, Chance, Possibility, Uncertainty
Risk Number or Risk IndexRisk, Risk Score, Risk Index, Composite Risk Index, Absolute risk

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