The add-on is shipped with several jql functions.
Function | Use |
slaToSeconds() | Converts time strings to seconds. "SLA Time" = slaToSeconds("2h") //will result in 7200 seconds "SLA Time" = slaToSeconds("01:59:59") //will result in 7199 seconds "SLA Time" = slaToSeconds("1h 59m 59s") //will result in 7199 seconds[slatimer].time = slaToSeconds("01:59:59") The 3 first examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA Time. |
slaStatus() | Use the function to for a more convenient search for issues with specified SLA Statuses. "SLA Status" in slaStatus("ON TIME") //all issues in SLA Status "ON TIME" "SLA Status" in slaStatus("overdue","overDUE+") //all issues with SLA Status "OVERDUE" or "OVERDUE+"[slatimer].status in slaStatus("overdue","overdue+") //all issues in SLA Status "OVERDUE" or "OVERDUE+" The function is case insensitive. The first 2 examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA Status. |
slaStatusOverdue() | Use function to search for all issues where the SLA Status is greater or equal to 100% "SLA Status" = slaStatusOverdue() //all issues with a SLA Status greater than or equal to 100% "SLA Status" != slaStatusOverdue() //all issues with a SLA Status less than 100%[slatimer].status = slaStatusOverdue() //all issues with a SLA Status greater than or equal to 100%[slatimer].status != slaStatusOverdue() //all issues with a SLA Status less than 100% |
slaFRStatus() | Use the function to for a more convenient search for issues with specified SLA First Response Statuses. "SLA First Response Status" in slaFRStatus("Behind") //all issues in SLA First Response Status "BEHIND" "SLA First Response Status" in slaFRStatus("Behind","Delayed") //all issues in SLA First Response Status "BEHIND" or "DELAYED"[slatimer].frstatus in slaFRStatus("Behind","Delayed") //all issues in SLA First Response Status "BEHIND" or "DELAYED" The function is case insensitive. The first 2 examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA First Response Status. |
slaName() | Use the function to search for issues with specified SLA names. "SLA Name" in slaName("My SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" "SLA Name" in slaName("My SLA","Another SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" and "Another SLA",[slatimer].sla in slaName("My SLA","Another SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" and "Another SLA"[slatimer].slaname in slaName("My SLA","Another SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" and "Another SLA" The function is case insensitive. The first 2 examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA Name.