JQL Functions

JQL Functions

The add-on is shipped with several jql functions.


Converts time strings to seconds.

"SLA Time" = slaToSeconds("2h") //will result in 7200 seconds
"SLA Time" = slaToSeconds("01:59:59") //will result in 7199 seconds 
"SLA Time" = slaToSeconds("1h 59m 59s") //will result in 7199 seconds
issue.property[slatimer].time = slaToSeconds("01:59:59")
Use =, !=, <, <=, >, or >= as operators

The 3 first examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA Time.


Use the function to for a more convenient search for issues with specified SLA Statuses.

"SLA Status" in slaStatus("ON TIME") //all issues in SLA Status "ON TIME"
"SLA Status" in slaStatus("overdue","overDUE+") //all issues with SLA Status "OVERDUE" or "OVERDUE+"
issue.property[slatimer].status in slaStatus("overdue","overdue+") //all issues in SLA Status "OVERDUE" or "OVERDUE+"

The function values are case insensitive.

The first 2 examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA Status.


Use function to search for all issues where the SLA Status is in category ONTIME

"SLA Status" = slaCatStatusONTIME() //all issues with a SLA Status in category ON TIME
"SLA Status" != slaCatStatusONTIME() //all issues with a SLA Status NOT in category ON TIME
issue.property[slatimer].status = slaCatStatusONTIME() //all issues with a SLA Status in category ON TIME
issue.property[slatimer].status != slaCatStatusONTIME() //all issues with a SLA Status NOT in category ON TIME

The first 2 examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA Status.

Use function to search for all issues where the SLA Status is in category LATE

See slaCatStatusONTIME().


Use function to search for all issues where the SLA Status is in category OVERDUE

See slaCatStatusONTIME().

"SLA Status" != slaCatStatusOVERDUE() //all issues with a SLA Status NOT in category OVERDUE (equals ONTIME or LATE)
issue.property[slatimer].status != slaCatStatusOVERDUE() //all issues with a SLA Status NOT in category OVERDUE (equals ONTIME or LATE)

Use the function to for a more convenient search for issues with specified SLA First Response Statuses.

"SLA First Response Status" in slaFRStatus("Behind") //all issues in SLA First Response Status "BEHIND"
"SLA First Response Status" in slaFRStatus("Behind","Delayed") //all issues in SLA First Response Status "BEHIND" or "DELAYED"
issue.property[slatimer].frstatus in slaFRStatus("Behind","Delayed") //all issues in SLA First Response Status "BEHIND" or "DELAYED"

The function values are case insensitive.

The first 2 examples assumes there is a custom field named SLA First Response Status.


Use the function to search for issues with specified SLA names.

"SLA Name" in slaName("My SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA"
"SLA Name" in slaName("My SLA","Another SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" and "Another SLA"
issue.property[slatimer].sla in slaName("My SLA","Another SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" and "Another SLA"
issue.property[slatimer].slaname in slaName("My SLA","Another SLA") //all issues with SLA name "My SLA" and "Another SLA"

The function is case insensitive.

The first two examples assume there is a custom field named SLA Name.


Use the function to search for paused issues.

Must be used with the "SLA Paused" custom field.

Since version 1.5.0:

"SLA Paused" = slaIsPaused() //all paused issues
slaPaused != slaIsPaused()

Since version 2.3.5:

"SLA Paused" = slaIsPaused() //all paused issues
slaIsPaused != slaIsPaused() //DO NOT USE
"SLA Paused" is empty //Use the is empty statement to find not paused issues

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