

A Schedule is paired with a SLA. The Schedule defines when an issue in scope of a SLA will increase the SLA Time Spent.

The Schedule is basically a weekly schedule.

A weekday can be configured to Off or On. If On the duration of the day must also be configured.

Add a new SLA

Type a name for the schedule. Select Shared if the Schedule can be used by all projects

or select a project if you want it to be project specific.

Delete a Schedule

A Schedule can only be deleted if it isn't paired with a SLA.




The name of the Schedule.

The name is also visible from the the View Issue page, so it is recommend to use short and meaningful names.


Holidays can be enabled or disabled.

If Holidays are enabled then holidays will set a day to off if there is a match.

E.g. if Friday November 10. 2017 is created as a Holiday then that is considered off, and SLA Time Spent will not increase.

Days and Hours

Configure which days are off or on.

If on, configure the duration of the day.

If hours is configured to "between 07:00 and 17:00", the schedule is in schedule when the is equal or greater than 07:00 (7am) and less than 17:00 (5pm).

Though the 24:00 (12om) must be configured as 23:59. Meaning 23:59 is the same as 24:00.

Project SpecificA Schedule can be specific for a project or can be used by all projects.
Paired SLAsDisplays the SLAs the Schedule is paired with.
OperationsA Schedule can be deleted, but only if not paired.


Next - Configure Holidays

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